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Vous souhaitez postuler pour la bourse pour un séjour linguistique 2024?

Envoyez votre candidature pour gagner une bourse pour un séjour linguistique en Irlande.
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Vous souhaitez postuler pour la bourse pour un séjour linguistique 2024?

Envoyez votre candidature pour gagner une bourse pour un séjour linguistique en Irlande.

Language Schools

Irish in France selects only the best language schools in Ireland. All are accredited by leading associations in the international education sector including ACELS, EAQUALS, and Quality English. The Schools are staffed by qualified, certified and dedicated English teachers. All Home-stay families are Garda-vetted.

I.C.E. (Irish College of English)   http://www.iceireland.com/

Irish College of English

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D.E.L.S. (Donegal English Language School)   http://www.donegallanguageschool.com/

Donegal English Language School, Bundoran on the West Coast of Ireland

Bundoran, County Donegal.

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ATC Language Schools (Bray and Dublin)  http://www.atclanguageschools.com/

ATC Language Schools

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